SEER Process

The SEER Framework is implemented through the SEER Process, which blends individual and organizational change activities. The process derives from literature on organizational theory (2,13,18,24), systems theory (20,25), network connectivity (3,11,12), and community and adult transformative learning (6,8,15,22), while purposefully and synergistically weaving in dialogic and diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice principles such as design justice (5), the theory of being (27), asset-based framing (19), appreciative inquiry (4), multi-contextualism (23,28), and cultural wealth (29). 

The SEER Process




Change teams better see and are more aware of their own identities and perceive their sphere of influence accurately.

Change teams see the organizational and diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) dynamics surrounding their change problem and change goals.

Change teams see the need and power of constituent dialogue in advancing change goals.



Rooted in the activities for the seeing stage, change teams develop and implement shorter-term strategic / action plans that pay close attention to organizational and DEIJ dynamics towards the advancement of their longer-term change goal(s).

Change teams engage in productive dialogue with organizational constituents in pursuit of desired change goals.


Change teams collect strategic data in a sustainable and equitable way to measure and understand the impact of their strategic actions.


Change teams deepen their organizational change capacity through revisiting the See, Enact, and Evaluate steps iteratively over time.

The SEER process consists of four phases, which can be shortened or extended based upon the context of the change project. The See phase helps change teams create team unity, explore system and DEI dynamics, and learn to have productive and equitable dialogue with constituents connected to the problem(s) they wish to address. Change teams might engage in four types of constituent dialogue: (1) change team member one-on-one meetings, (2) change team facilitated meetings, (3) consultant facilitated meetings with constituent groups, and (4) consultant one-on-one meetings (without change team members present). The Enact phase systematically leads change projects through the development of a theory of change and strategic plan that is rooted in design justice principles and diverse constituent voices. The Evaluate phase begins with an examination of the relationship between proposed change activities and short to long-term outcomes to select an evaluation strategy that takes into account DEI principles and that effectively demonstrates progress. In addition, this phase involves the implementation of the time-realistic strategic plan (i.e., within the planning period) and the collection and analysis of evaluation data, with the option of the SEER consultants performing data collection and analysis functions. Lastly, the Revisit phase consists of leading change teams through a systematic review of progress (or lack thereof) that was made as a result of change activities, helping teams revisit prior phases to more fully “see” dynamics at work, and assisting in team planning for the next iterative cycle of SEER. 

Inclusive Professional Framework (IPF) Connection

The SEER Process is informed by the Inclusive Professional Framework (IPF) developed by the National Change Initiative of the NSF Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Aspire Alliance (7), which has also been applied to STEM professional and disciplinary societies (16). The IPF centers the journey of building an equity mindset through the examination of identity and intercultural awareness and humility, and emphasizes cultivating trust and clear and transparent communication for the relational domains across campus roles and responsibilities. Through this individual effort, the IPF lens builds relational agency for organization change and expands change agents’ understanding of their sphere of influence. In addition, the SEER Process builds on the prior success of the Aspire Summer Institute (ASI) (1), an extensive week-long professional development program that helped teams of faculty and institutional leaders/staff to advance their own DEI mindsets and skills while also developing team-based action plans to implement DEI change activities on their campuses. The SEER process expands beyond the ASI by addressing the need for more sustained change guidance, greater depth of “sight” into the dynamics facing organizational DEI challenges, and further refinement and practice of dialogic principles. Thus, the SEER Process is meant to build upon prior success while improving the change capacity of STEM education constituents.
