Frequently Asked Questions
What is a campus sponsor?
The individual that has administrative approval for your participation in addition to providing you support to complete the necessary requirements of the program (e.g., financial support of institutional action project, course/time release, travel). In most cases, this is likely to be a dean, chair or other senior administrator, but can vary depending on your institution.
Who should my institutional action project mentor be?
This could be your campus sponsor or another campus administrator of your choosing. They should be willing and able to provide you support and resources to make significant progress on your institutional action project.
What is an institutional action project?
The Institutional Action Project is an opportunity for you to both practice your leadership skills and effect change at your institution. The nature of the project is up to you, but we recommend that you consult your Sponsor, Mentor, and other colleagues/ leaders at your institution when you develop your project. The specifics of your institutional action project will be developed during year one of the program.
Do I have to attend all three sessions?
Your full participation in all components of the program is required.
What happens if I have to miss a session due to something out of my control?
In the rare occasion that this might happen, the fellow will work with directly program administrators to determine the best course of action.
Can I have guests travel with me?
IAspire Leadership Academy is an intensive development program for participants only. In so much, family members and guests are not allowed on site during the days of the program. Exceptions include nursing mothers who need childcare during the program or caregivers for participants with significant health conditions. Participants requesting an exception to the family or guest policy should contact IAspire program staff at least four weeks prior to the session.