Network Resources

Over the last four years, the IChange Network has brought together universities across the country in a three year self-assessment and action planning process. As a result, we have developed a variety of tools to help campuses examine how they look, act, and feel.

Until fall 2022, these resources were only available to members of the IChange Network. We have now made these resources available to everyone. Check back often, as additional resources will be made public as they are finalized for general use. 

This set of resources provide an overview of the Institutional Change process and tools for building a project timeline at the earliest point in the change management process.

- IChange Guidebook and Addendum
- Sample IChange Process Timeline
- IChange Project Plan and Table
-IChange Network Guidebook for Campus Self Assessment and Action Planning Cohort 3

While systemic change is important, self-assessment is crucial to developing a grounded and context-bound  action plan. This set of resources provide frameworks, models, and tools to engaging in the critical work of self-assessment. 

- Asset Mapping Toolkit
- Institutional Change Logic Model
- Root Cause Analysis Worksheet
- Stakeholder Identification Map

The success of any change effort is highly dependent on its implementation. Without a thoughtful management plan, systemic change efforts run the risk of existing as a document. The resources provided herein allow change managers to forecast and plan their change work.  

- Audacious Goals and Vivid Descriptions Worksheet
- Change Management Worksheet and Timeline
- Change Management Communication Plan and Roadshow

Consisting of several context-informed and forecasted action items, the institutional action plan serves as "living" document informing change. The IChange Network stresses the importance of self-reflection and change management planning, and using the other resources prior to building an action plan. The set of resources provide tools and templates for translating the self-assessment and change management resources into an action plan.

- Draft Action Plan Template
- Final Action Plan Template
- Action Feasibility of Importance Matrix
-SMART! Quality Action Plan Guideline and Table