Aspire Summer Institute

The virtual Aspire Summer Institute (ASI)  will provide STEM campus leadership and faculty developers (at Centers for Teaching & Learning, STEM Education Centers, Professional or Disciplinary Societies, grant-funded initiatives, or similar entities) with the opportunity to retreat, reflect and act to better support campus diversity, equity and inclusion efforts through the development of key skills applicable across faculty roles. Teams of participants will be supported in growing their capacity for this work, through gaining skills as change agents and applying and adapting their learning to enhance existing DEI initiatives. This no-cost virtual institute is sponsored by the NSF Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Aspire Alliance.

The Aspire Summer Institute will take place from Monday, June 12th, 2023 to Friday, June 16th, 2023. We will be accepting applications from Aspire IChange institutions and other institutions involved in higher education equity initiatives, as these teams will be well situated to consider how to incorporate locally what they learn at the institute. 

Applications are due by Friday, April 21st and teams will be notified by the week of May 1st of their acceptance. 

See the 2023 ASI website for more details on the daily agenda, facilitators, and more and apply now!